The International Basketball Federation (FIBA), the global governing body of basketball, is set to embark on a groundbreaking technological journey, expanding its longstanding partnership with Genius Sports. The collaboration will introduce revolutionary computer vision technology and AI-powered capabilities to basketball leagues and national federations worldwide from 2025 to 2035.
Genius Sports, FIBA’s designated official technology and innovation partner, will provide a unified, connected solution to automate and synchronise the collection of live game statistics and video production with advanced player tracking. This transformative technology, powered by Genius Sports' optical system, is designed to read and interpret live game plays, predict outcomes in real-time, and convert raw live data and video into valuable, actionable game insights.
In an industry first, basketball leagues and national federations will gain access to an AI-powered automated player tracking system. This advanced technology will not only offer cutting-edge coaching tools and analytics but will also feature automated officiating and broadcast augmentation tools.
Since 2004, Genius Sports and FIBA have collaborated to provide over 200 leagues and national federations worldwide with FIBA LiveStats and FIBA Organiser, driving digital transformation by collecting official play-by-play statistics. FIBA LiveStats has successfully captured full box score data from over a million basketball games, demonstrating the products' widespread availability within the FIBA Family.
Under the terms of the extended agreement, Genius Sports has secured the role of FIBA’s Official Data & Video Capture and Production Partner, along with being designated as the governing body’s Official Innovation & Technology Services Partner for a 10-year term starting in 2025.
Andreas Zagklis, FIBA Secretary General, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, "For almost 20 years, FIBA and Genius Sports have joined forces in developing the most innovative tools for leagues and national federations across all levels of basketball." He emphasised the objective of assisting national federations and leagues in increasing reach and revenue while reducing costs through this automated solution.
Mark Locke, CEO at Genius Sports, echoed the excitement, saying, "We’re thrilled to expand our landmark partnership with FIBA, equipping leagues and national federations with state-of-the-art technology to transform how their fans, coaches, officials, broadcasters, and sponsors interact with live data and video." He highlighted that, powered by their unique AI-driven system, basketball leagues globally would be able to automate data and video collection, utilising the highest quality player and team tracking data.